In this article I will present one of my press releases, this time in the Spectrum Business magazine. It took place some time ago, but so far in the multitude of other classes in design, I could not find an appropriate time to prepare for this relationship. Fortunately what is delayed is not lost, so I invite you to read!
All photos published in the history of photojournalism were taken during the visits of the Governor representative on the Euro 2012 Michael Jaros, at the construction site of a new railway station in Wroclaw and visits to AOW, or Wrocław Bypass Motorway. As probably most readers this blog has noted in the plot of my favorite photographs are the picture stories, especially those that require spontaneity and creativity of the greatest - often in spite of adverse conditions and niefotogenicznego otoczenia.Tak was also in this case, especially in the "ruins" the station and the motorway bypass of raw .
At the time of visits, progress was very visible and the most timely manner. Now, when it published, the main topic in the media is the issue of tolls AOW, which Government wants to introduce, and which do not match themselves primarily the city of Wroclaw. Previously received statements said that the movement of cars for the residents will be totally free, but the most recent information indicates that it is to be partially paid. It is hoped that the social pressure, and thanks to the consistent attitude of local authorities, this decision will have changed. I - the driver - I count much on it.
more materials from publications and a photo session:
excerpt from an interview:
"Michal Jaros: - In my opinion, no one in Poland is so brave and foolhardy to build a hotel or restaurant just for Euro 2012. Objects Such customers must be by or after the Euro. I would have more to worry about public facilities, such as steps to the stadium. Will it be maintained, is there an application that will continue and whether its construction ever return? "I do not know. The stadium will cost nearly a billion zlotys, that is a Fourth annual budget of the city! You can not subsidize it later, he must keep himself "
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