Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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"political face" - scene of the second

time for the second part of the long-term project entitled "Political faces." The pictures show the leading politicians in their work, because all have been made in the Sejm. Already more than once and no one person quoted the famous words, "a picture can speak a thousand words." Also, the idea behind the portraits, I invite you!

pageview first draft is available here .

Jerzy Fedorowicz, PO

Janusz Palikot, Janusz Palikot Advocacy Movement

whole first reads:

Jozef Zych, PSL

Mariusz Blaszczak, PiS

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Social Media Day - Blogs Classifieds Kosynierzy

best blogging company in Poland, met at the Social Media Day . How many companies, so many ways to the success of company blog - such conclusions can be drawn from the Social Media Conference Day Poland, this time dedicated to corporate blogs, where blogging company to share recipes for success.

Company blog can be a domain of one author ( Play ) or multiple ( mBank ), and also be the work of the author has so far not connected with the company (PKP SA Wroclaw Central ). There is also no universal principles of form, type or frequency adding posts. With equally good results can be done twice a day and twice a week.

Company blog is not just a window through which the company can present itself to customers in an unconventional way, but also a tool for integrating the team, which plays a large role in internal communications and employer branding.

Dominik Kaznowski,                                                                         Andrew Garapich PBI

Joanna Gajewska, , Agnieszka Guzek, Internet Talents

Company blog is not just a window through which the company can present itself to customers in an unconventional way, but also a tool for integrating the team, which plays a large role in internal communications and employer branding.

Kamila Karpinski - coordinator of the winning blog mBank - told with humor, as included in the creation mBloga colleagues: "I come in for a chat with colleagues who happen to bring a new product, and after a short conversation, I suggest one of them:" Baby, write about it on the blog ".

Kamila Karpinski, mBank

About blogs as a tool of internal communication, especially in the case of large, transnational corporations, Catherine Tilley told the McKinsey Knowledge Centre. In your example was that when she found a strange country - among strange people, found that the best way to communicate in a new environment is just a blog. It's fast, informal, but you get to know a pre-determined target group. In later stages, this allows to adapt the language and themes for the expectations readers - after all, is for them to write a blog.

Catherine Tilley, McKinsey Knowledge Centre ; ; Thomas Sulewski, TP

highlight of the conference was the award, by Jaroslaw Sobolewski of the IAB, diplomas for the winners in the contest for the best Polish company blog. This is the third edition of the contest organized by the Dominica Kaznowskiego, blogger and industry expert. This time, blogs evaluated over a hundred students of journalism and communication at the University of Wroclaw under the "blog as a PR tool", carried out under the direction of Dominic Kaznowskiego.

Marcin Gruszka, Play Kamila Karpinski, mBank

Karol Wieczorek, Netia Marta Zawierta,

whole photojournalism:

and after the meeting we went to BlogParty, a conversation backstage at the Club Cinnamon

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

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company in preparation for the new season

Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in Poland. The more he visited the team's training Wroclaw Kosynierów to przypatrzeć them during the preparations for the upcoming season rozgrywkowego. This was not my first contact with the sport, as already realized in that year reportage from the international tournament Silesia Cup, which became the biggest lacrosse event in Poland and one of the sports cards Wroclaw. Now in the new year time for the next season and the next edition of the tournament.

At the beginning - a few words of introduction. Team Kosynierzy Wroclaw was founded in March 2008 as the second team in Poland. A month later - in April 2008 in Wroclaw was played the first game of lacrosse in Poland, where after a fierce battle with Kosynierzy Wroclaw Poznan Hussars drew 5:5. Since then, each of the Polish team consistently strives to build its brand and grow within their financial capabilities. Through the support of various sponsors, they manage to achieve some of the achievements, but of course wait for more development opportunities - particularly in view of the upcoming next international tournament.

Here we should mention the support they have received, and one of the people that the fan is not just anybody, but he Tomasz Adamek. Their contact came as quite a surprise for them, but all indications are that this is not the end but a beginning. The grand finale of cooperation will take place during the September fighting Adamek in Wroclaw. Another star, who also decided to support Kosynierów is Maciej Zielinski, who some time ago I visited their game and prepared for them a special autographed ball. I hope that will gradually increase a group of people supporting the team.

you probably wonder the issue involved in the club colors, and about possible conflicts and friendship between the teams? And just like in any sport ... those are officially gone, but ...
It is a total since the inception of clubs - the first battle for a first come, first register the club and later - rivalry for primacy in Poland between the two oldest clubs. When both teams play each other, often to different clashes, is more or less fair. But after the match, before we all disperse, nail the top five.

whole article and photojournalism:

interesting are also subject transfers between the clubs. Although the number of teams is not large, how far was one - from Poznan to Wroclaw. Konrad Masztalerz, goalkeeper, began training in Poznan Hussars, but later moved to Wroclaw, and has been in the team Kosynierów permanently.

for their help in drafting the article thank Michael Walczakowi .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Much Do Surgeons Get Paid In The Uk or game programming in JavaScript

Last weekend I had the pleasure to host the training in a series of advanced programming techniques in JavaScript, this time specifically in the field of game programming in JS. During the intensive two-day training were discussed issues related to the creation of interactive, high-performance multimedia and games that run in your browser.

Training Devmeetings cycle, and particularly this edition, is dedicated to Web application developers who want to improve their skills at creating games and to the game developers. Training also serve the mutual understanding of people from the industry, a workshop with a solid experience in developement and programming projects. The initiative is really remarkable, because so far not met with so professionally organized training, in addition, totally free

worth a closer look at the concept of free and specialized training that both are held in Wroclaw, as in other Polish cities. Especially when this is not a one-time "Event", a fragment of the whole undertaking in which companies with years of experience they want to share expert knowledge with the Polish community - in addition without subjecting them to costs.

Meetings of this type is certainly a great trend in the training industry, and no passion for subjects to be discussed at training certainly can not go near them with indifference. I look forward to further projects of this type, because they see enormous potential for development.

More photos from the training: