Social Media Day - Blogs Classifieds Kosynierzy best blogging company in Poland, met at the Social Media Day . How many companies, so many ways to the success of company blog - such conclusions can be drawn from the Social Media Conference Day Poland, this time dedicated to corporate blogs, where blogging company to share recipes for success. Company blog can be a domain of one author (
Play ) or multiple (
mBank ), and also be the work of the author has so far not connected with the company (PKP SA
Wroclaw Central ). There is also no universal principles of form, type or frequency adding posts. With equally good results can be done twice a day and twice a week.
Company blog is not just a window through which the company can present itself to customers in an unconventional way, but also a tool for integrating the team, which plays a large role in internal communications and employer branding.
Dominik Kaznowski, Andrew Garapich PBI Joanna Gajewska, , Agnieszka Guzek, Internet Talents
Company blog is not just a window through which the company can present itself to customers in an unconventional way, but also a tool for integrating the team, which plays a large role in internal communications and employer branding.
Kamila Karpinski - coordinator of the winning blog mBank - told with humor, as included in the creation mBloga colleagues: "I come in for a chat with colleagues who happen to bring a new product, and after a short conversation, I suggest one of them:" Baby, write about it on the blog ".
Kamila Karpinski, mBank
About blogs as a tool of internal communication, especially in the case of large, transnational corporations, Catherine Tilley told the McKinsey Knowledge Centre. In your example was that when she found a strange country - among strange people, found that the best way to communicate in a new environment is just a blog. It's fast, informal, but you get to know a pre-determined target group. In later stages, this allows to adapt the language and themes for the expectations readers - after all, is for them to write a blog.
Catherine Tilley, McKinsey Knowledge Centre ; ; Thomas Sulewski, TP
highlight of the conference was the award, by Jaroslaw Sobolewski of the IAB, diplomas for the winners in the contest for the best Polish company blog. This is the third edition of the contest organized by the Dominica Kaznowskiego, blogger and industry expert. This time, blogs evaluated over a hundred students of journalism and communication at the University of Wroclaw under the "blog as a PR tool", carried out under the direction of Dominic Kaznowskiego.
Marcin Gruszka, Play Kamila Karpinski, mBank
Karol Wieczorek, Netia Marta Zawierta,
whole photojournalism: and after the meeting we went to BlogParty, a conversation backstage at the Club Cinnamon