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Awanturyn - stone is the most popular application in heart ailments nervous due more to external causes, with a link with the stress of everyday life and emotions associated with that than with the causes of internal feelings t emotional t in this case is a good connection with quartz awanturynu pink. It was said that when Alexander of Macedon came to the Diamond Valley, saw its bottom covered with plenty of precious stones for centuries guarded by a deadly reptiles mouths. Dśaiament - attracting or śkochanyś) did not originally meant a diamond, but his character śwyrodzonąś - magnetite, and only much póśniej contemporary diamond. So much for history. It stops bleeding and just for this purpose was used in the past (eg in the Roman legions). It is affiliated with the energies of the second chakra. With the advent of the seventeenth century, new methods of grinding stones, which brought out a shine and sparkle, diamonds become the most desirable precious stones in jewelry. Among the items included were the most popular patriotic jewelry rings, wedding rings, crosses, engraved with inscriptions and medallions in which the images were placed next persons. High refractive index (2.42) and strong dispersion of light gives rise to bursts of fire inside the polished crystal. Diamonds Engraving Jewellery were already known in 3000 BC I mentioned at the outset about the search for stones of various data, including special stones, such as the pearl called Pellegrini, whose fate in the nineteenth century, interest in most European courts and the acquisition was strongly urged by the Czar of Russia (see - Swarovski
Friday, April 29, 2011
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Summary and relationships with the exhibition of photojournalism "World Uli"
spent months in an apartment Uli and her parents, accompanying them in daily activities, rehabilitation, during meals, even at bedtime. During this period, the Ula celebrated her seventh birthday, she was visited regularly by all his colleagues as a kindergarten teacher Magda, Ada, and volunteer physiotherapist Irminy. And above all thanks to the time spent on rehabilitation, Uli is a chance for the great joy and laughter in safety and comfort. This is what I have tried to present the photographs, which over the past two weeks can be viewed on the Wrocław market square.
For Uli is not the beginning nor the end. For Uli those were the days and every day. And for me it was a honor that I could survive in this world to take part.
spent months in an apartment Uli and her parents, accompanying them in daily activities, rehabilitation, during meals, even at bedtime. During this period, the Ula celebrated her seventh birthday, she was visited regularly by all his colleagues as a kindergarten teacher Magda, Ada, and volunteer physiotherapist Irminy. And above all thanks to the time spent on rehabilitation, Uli is a chance for the great joy and laughter in safety and comfort. This is what I have tried to present the photographs, which over the past two weeks can be viewed on the Wrocław market square.
For Uli is not the beginning nor the end. For Uli those were the days and every day. And for me it was a honor that I could survive in this world to take part.
Full description photojournalism, announcements and photos can be seen in the previous post, that HERE
A below three links to the relationship with the opening of the exhibition:
- official opening of the photos you can see it on the blog photoactive (for which many thanks to Beata!)
- An account of the opening of the exhibition can be seen on the website Newspapers Wroclaw
- television material on the activities of Hospice for Children and the opening of the exhibition along with an interview with me you can see on the iTV side WRO
official and full coverage can be viewed on the blog photoactive , as here:
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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Yes Tacitus wrote of him: '(..) we can assume that Amber is tree resin, as can be seen very often in his prześroczu some earth creatures, as well as volatile, which are involved in the liquid are trapped in it, since then the mass hardens. These are also keen obwieszają chains, bracelets, rings and earrings. Jewelry was not always feminine domain. One of the biggest fans of trinkets was Napoleon. The event went down in history as "Gdanskers eyelashes." The fate of Danzig was a warning to other cities of Pomerania. Electron highly appreciate the Chinese Handmade Jewelry Indians and Burmese, but the resins are not as perfect as our Gold of the North Baltic. After wandering caravans left a lot of souvenirs. You do not realize that "your future" would include protection against diseases Ring with onyx and postrzałom! "It works at least for some time." Amber organic stone, which was the fossilized resin of coniferous trees. Endowed with a newly created market intuition jewelry manufacturer put on their own, individual design, high technical quality and special quality control of the final product. Tavernier once again went to India in the hope that the loss of reward, but unfortunately lost his life torn apart by a horde of wild dogs. - Swarovski
Yes Tacitus wrote of him: '(..) we can assume that Amber is tree resin, as can be seen very often in his prześroczu some earth creatures, as well as volatile, which are involved in the liquid are trapped in it, since then the mass hardens. These are also keen obwieszają chains, bracelets, rings and earrings. Jewelry was not always feminine domain. One of the biggest fans of trinkets was Napoleon. The event went down in history as "Gdanskers eyelashes." The fate of Danzig was a warning to other cities of Pomerania. Electron highly appreciate the Chinese Handmade Jewelry Indians and Burmese, but the resins are not as perfect as our Gold of the North Baltic. After wandering caravans left a lot of souvenirs. You do not realize that "your future" would include protection against diseases Ring with onyx and postrzałom! "It works at least for some time." Amber organic stone, which was the fossilized resin of coniferous trees. Endowed with a newly created market intuition jewelry manufacturer put on their own, individual design, high technical quality and special quality control of the final product. Tavernier once again went to India in the hope that the loss of reward, but unfortunately lost his life torn apart by a horde of wild dogs. - Swarovski
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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. Nowadays, most people think that wedding rings and rings are not men that wear such ornaments recognize their masculinity. Same result in business relationships and cultural influences of the Roman civilization, this translates into faster growth, leading to the creation of state structures. Now, Amber, in addition to aesthetic experience gives us a knowledge of history and, thanks to its preserved insects, the extinct fauna of the Tertiary. Our shop is limited Domanscy Jeweler admittedly only an aesthetic function of amber, but we recommend this feature - amber stone is truly fascinating. Amber organic stone, which was created from fossilized conifer resin. Time flies, it is still a lot of documentation, however, diminishes with each passing year especially those that are outside the country. On the other hand, it is in Italy has the largest number of European manufacturers and factory jewelry producers. But there are some who do not believe in this version of events and still looking for her in Europe. In the late 70's of XX century in Tsarskoe Selo (renamed in Soviet times the Pushkino) began attempts to reconstruct the lost treasure. Rich velvet and silk clothing for men and women were decorated with pearls and glittering jewels. . Doubts cleared the second discovery in 1927 and is credited as the headmaster in Turnov stone. The truth of the story Cropper is uncertain, especially since the Indians left najwyraśniej mentioned the area shortly after the incident Jewelry without any pursuit of the settlers. - Swarovski
. Nowadays, most people think that wedding rings and rings are not men that wear such ornaments recognize their masculinity. Same result in business relationships and cultural influences of the Roman civilization, this translates into faster growth, leading to the creation of state structures. Now, Amber, in addition to aesthetic experience gives us a knowledge of history and, thanks to its preserved insects, the extinct fauna of the Tertiary. Our shop is limited Domanscy Jeweler admittedly only an aesthetic function of amber, but we recommend this feature - amber stone is truly fascinating. Amber organic stone, which was created from fossilized conifer resin. Time flies, it is still a lot of documentation, however, diminishes with each passing year especially those that are outside the country. On the other hand, it is in Italy has the largest number of European manufacturers and factory jewelry producers. But there are some who do not believe in this version of events and still looking for her in Europe. In the late 70's of XX century in Tsarskoe Selo (renamed in Soviet times the Pushkino) began attempts to reconstruct the lost treasure. Rich velvet and silk clothing for men and women were decorated with pearls and glittering jewels. . Doubts cleared the second discovery in 1927 and is credited as the headmaster in Turnov stone. The truth of the story Cropper is uncertain, especially since the Indians left najwyraśniej mentioned the area shortly after the incident Jewelry without any pursuit of the settlers. - Swarovski
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
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ring, which studied the properties of such interest, it seems to me the most powerful known supporter of telepathy. In any event, his performance does not come either from the material of which it is made, nor of any "cargo" magnetic or psychological, religious or magic, nor is it personified five-star, or namagnesowanym talisman, or devoted to a medallion, or sacrament, or a fetish: it has nothing to do with more or less promising "inventions", devised by the charms of folk superstition or esotericism snobs. . Sometimes found in pegmatites, granites, gneisses, grejzenach. Occurrence [edit] Component Rings Krakow crystalline schists and amfibolowych. Areas of Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Scandinavia, South Africa, USA. In Poland - sometimes found in gneisses and granites in the Foothills and the Jizera Mountains (Sudetes). Use [edit] * as a decorative stone collectors are interested in * * the production of leather goods and decorative arts biżuteriiMożliwość confused with: dumortierytowym quartz, with lapis lazuli. Quartz green variety of quartz * t give it the color green aktynolitu inclusions. . It is distinguished by a wide variety of color varieties, the possibility of easy handling, as well as large and relatively accessible Jeweler Rings deposit. They began to import it illegally from belonging to the Order of Sambia, which resulted in long-standing disputes with the Teutonic Knights. After polishing, in the form kaboszonu be confused with opalemKwarc azurytowy Otherwise = blue sapphire quartz, quartz azure, crocidolite. Coarse-grained variety of quartz with a blue tint. The final polishing is done using a rotating grinding wheel coated with diamond powder. The fact that diamonds glitter, because of the way Jeweler Offer refraction of light rays in their crystal structure. Author], and they said that is not greater than the cucumber seed, and that the color is always like him. So, either that the Bible text, which refers to jahalom was significantly póśniej credited, or sends word jahalom been translated and are associated the Greek póśniejszym adamas. It is even regarded as a key to open our energy centers. Rock crystal - crystal stone - a stone kamieńNazywano ice. It can be regarded as a versatile stone, without which no direct way to get around Rings Of Gold if you are interested in esoterica, and natural medicine. Some operations can be automated, but many techniques used today has a pedigree stretching for thousands of years. Gold was one of the earliest known metals. - swarovski
ring, which studied the properties of such interest, it seems to me the most powerful known supporter of telepathy. In any event, his performance does not come either from the material of which it is made, nor of any "cargo" magnetic or psychological, religious or magic, nor is it personified five-star, or namagnesowanym talisman, or devoted to a medallion, or sacrament, or a fetish: it has nothing to do with more or less promising "inventions", devised by the charms of folk superstition or esotericism snobs. . Sometimes found in pegmatites, granites, gneisses, grejzenach. Occurrence [edit] Component Rings Krakow crystalline schists and amfibolowych. Areas of Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Scandinavia, South Africa, USA. In Poland - sometimes found in gneisses and granites in the Foothills and the Jizera Mountains (Sudetes). Use [edit] * as a decorative stone collectors are interested in * * the production of leather goods and decorative arts biżuteriiMożliwość confused with: dumortierytowym quartz, with lapis lazuli. Quartz green variety of quartz * t give it the color green aktynolitu inclusions. . It is distinguished by a wide variety of color varieties, the possibility of easy handling, as well as large and relatively accessible Jeweler Rings deposit. They began to import it illegally from belonging to the Order of Sambia, which resulted in long-standing disputes with the Teutonic Knights. After polishing, in the form kaboszonu be confused with opalemKwarc azurytowy Otherwise = blue sapphire quartz, quartz azure, crocidolite. Coarse-grained variety of quartz with a blue tint. The final polishing is done using a rotating grinding wheel coated with diamond powder. The fact that diamonds glitter, because of the way Jeweler Offer refraction of light rays in their crystal structure. Author], and they said that is not greater than the cucumber seed, and that the color is always like him. So, either that the Bible text, which refers to jahalom was significantly póśniej credited, or sends word jahalom been translated and are associated the Greek póśniejszym adamas. It is even regarded as a key to open our energy centers. Rock crystal - crystal stone - a stone kamieńNazywano ice. It can be regarded as a versatile stone, without which no direct way to get around Rings Of Gold if you are interested in esoterica, and natural medicine. Some operations can be automated, but many techniques used today has a pedigree stretching for thousands of years. Gold was one of the earliest known metals. - swarovski
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But if it comes about us - people, minerals and precious stones are to us a lot to offer. . . . Regarded as the most precious gemstone, is the hardest known substance in nature (10 in Mohs scale). Diamonds, industrial, natural or artificial, are used for cutting, grinding and polishing hard Jeweler Glodkowski items. Diamond crystallizes in the regular system, in the form of octahedrons. Despite substantial inquiry has not yet been determined exactly when the first diamonds were found. Own production, own design studio and a surprising technical advantages of the new company. The first element is a fusion of 18-karat gold are the colors: white, yellow and pink, and the next roll casting to obtain a sheet of gold. Glazed work, particularly in the style of Cloisonné (covered with colored enamel, the different colors separated by metal strips) were very highly valued in Byzantine culture and had a strong influence on European jewelry subsequent periods. Nierzucającym diamond is in the eyes you have the wealth of the property, anyone can verify that the office has a value. Wec Jeweler - swarovski
But if it comes about us - people, minerals and precious stones are to us a lot to offer. . . . Regarded as the most precious gemstone, is the hardest known substance in nature (10 in Mohs scale). Diamonds, industrial, natural or artificial, are used for cutting, grinding and polishing hard Jeweler Glodkowski items. Diamond crystallizes in the regular system, in the form of octahedrons. Despite substantial inquiry has not yet been determined exactly when the first diamonds were found. Own production, own design studio and a surprising technical advantages of the new company. The first element is a fusion of 18-karat gold are the colors: white, yellow and pink, and the next roll casting to obtain a sheet of gold. Glazed work, particularly in the style of Cloisonné (covered with colored enamel, the different colors separated by metal strips) were very highly valued in Byzantine culture and had a strong influence on European jewelry subsequent periods. Nierzucającym diamond is in the eyes you have the wealth of the property, anyone can verify that the office has a value. Wec Jeweler - swarovski
Monday, April 18, 2011
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formation of bands was probably due to the processes of multiple evolution of silica from solutions or cyclic deposition of pigment in the silica gel. . In 1701 the project were downloaded from the court in Copenhagen Gottfried Wolfram, amber Frederick IV of Denmark. Greek Jewelry and Kreteńscy RzymskaTrojańscy and artists from the period of Minoan-forming at opposite ends of the Aegean Sea, performed earrings, bracelets, necklaces in a similar way from about 2500 BC - swarovski
formation of bands was probably due to the processes of multiple evolution of silica from solutions or cyclic deposition of pigment in the silica gel. . In 1701 the project were downloaded from the court in Copenhagen Gottfried Wolfram, amber Frederick IV of Denmark. Greek Jewelry and Kreteńscy RzymskaTrojańscy and artists from the period of Minoan-forming at opposite ends of the Aegean Sea, performed earrings, bracelets, necklaces in a similar way from about 2500 BC - swarovski
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Increasingly, jewelry stops have a high material value, and becomes the addition of an aesthetic, not necessarily expensive sometimes only for a souvenir or sentimental. From that time remained convinced of the magical and healing power of gemstones. With the launch of the cross of Christianity as one of the most important symbols of the new religion began to play an increasingly important role as well as Amber Jewellery jewelry. As a result of warming the color to be developed. Most of our day is Bloodstones stained and then subjected to high temperatures agates. Gold in copper alloys and silver (pure gold is too soft) is used for making ornamental objects. Amber Jewellery new, surprising jewelry designs require different, often innovative design and reliability of the product for a long time. - swarovski
Increasingly, jewelry stops have a high material value, and becomes the addition of an aesthetic, not necessarily expensive sometimes only for a souvenir or sentimental. From that time remained convinced of the magical and healing power of gemstones. With the launch of the cross of Christianity as one of the most important symbols of the new religion began to play an increasingly important role as well as Amber Jewellery jewelry. As a result of warming the color to be developed. Most of our day is Bloodstones stained and then subjected to high temperatures agates. Gold in copper alloys and silver (pure gold is too soft) is used for making ornamental objects. Amber Jewellery new, surprising jewelry designs require different, often innovative design and reliability of the product for a long time. - swarovski
Thursday, April 14, 2011
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With the advent of the seventeenth century, new methods of grinding stones, which brought out a shine and sparkle, diamonds have become the most desirable of precious stones jewelry. . This work, which is the heart of the production and prices jeweler point from which the resulting element is treated with a finishing treatments. The most important them is polishing the product. Perhaps by wearing the ring back Carter as the only participant in the tomb of Tutankhamun expedition penetrating lived to old age. In the centuries póśniejszych iron begins to appear in ever larger quantities, but the good king's remains. . Amber jewelry was also part of religious worship, magic, a sign of authority and dignity, testified to the social status and wealth. EgiptW ancient Egypt, the most common jewelry Gold Rings were amulets to bring luck and protect against evil. Regarding the characteristics of magic diamond Buddhabhatta writes. . Those who wear the diamonds do not have to heed the dangers because they protect against snakes, poison or disease, theft, fire and water Jeweler Gold and evil spirits. . You do not realize that "your future" would include protection against illness and postrzałom! "It works at least for some time." Amber organic stone, which was the fossilized resin of coniferous trees. - Swarovski jewelry
With the advent of the seventeenth century, new methods of grinding stones, which brought out a shine and sparkle, diamonds have become the most desirable of precious stones jewelry. . This work, which is the heart of the production and prices jeweler point from which the resulting element is treated with a finishing treatments. The most important them is polishing the product. Perhaps by wearing the ring back Carter as the only participant in the tomb of Tutankhamun expedition penetrating lived to old age. In the centuries póśniejszych iron begins to appear in ever larger quantities, but the good king's remains. . Amber jewelry was also part of religious worship, magic, a sign of authority and dignity, testified to the social status and wealth. EgiptW ancient Egypt, the most common jewelry Gold Rings were amulets to bring luck and protect against evil. Regarding the characteristics of magic diamond Buddhabhatta writes. . Those who wear the diamonds do not have to heed the dangers because they protect against snakes, poison or disease, theft, fire and water Jeweler Gold and evil spirits. . You do not realize that "your future" would include protection against illness and postrzałom! "It works at least for some time." Amber organic stone, which was the fossilized resin of coniferous trees. - Swarovski jewelry
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"World Uli" - an exhibition of photographs in the Market Square in Wroclaw opening on Saturday 16 April 2011, in the chair. 12.30
Photostory "Uli World" by Wojciech Gajewski, will be on display from 16 to 30 April in the market in Wroclaw. The exhibition is a non-profit. Organizers of photography and the Foundation for Hospice for Children Wroclaw hope that the exhibition be interested in Wroclaw and in Lower Silesia to know the real dimension of home hospice for children and show real world of the child and his family in the face of illness and disability of the child.
Photostory by Uli was established in March 2011, covering happily with her seventh birthday, but soon after birth received the 3% chance of survival. The hive is not saying it is not, fed by gastrostomy and requires care around the clock. Professionally working Mom and Dad Uli resigned from full-time, to fully take care of her daughter. The girl is communicating with the outside world through laughter and tears, as well as the more important sense - touch. Ula regularly undergoes rehabilitation, during which sensory stimulation is carried out, the program Knillów activity, playing with the body, triggering spontaneous activity, or to stimulate swallowing. Gradually the rehabilitation brings noticeable results. Uli is also a great opportunity for the fun and laughter. Uli house is filled with love and joy, is there a place and time as the passion of each member of the family. Contrary to the disease Uli her brothers, both older and younger, normally treat it - sometimes with rough brotherly love. And that's the joy of life, which can be seen in the family Uli, was the main theme, which the author wanted to show photographs. Illustrate that, despite the illness of a child's parents and the rest of the family may continue enjoy life and give the patient a feeling of your child every day.
photo reportages on the most sick children present drama and sadness, which takes place in the coming environment - parents and siblings. These are also the expectations of most viewers to the slogan "a photo essay ward Hospice for Children." However, this material and this exhibit are to show steadfastness against the disease and the child's disability and the fact that the family may also pursue their dreams and live happily every day - Respectively wkomponowując rehabilitation and full custody of the child in the schedule. Family Uli is an example of incredible zest for life and joy, despite the girl.
Ula is podopieczną Foundation Wroclaw Hospice for Children, which operates since 2007. The Foundation's aim is to attract funds for Hospice activities. Thanks to the influence of one percent of the donations and the Foundation provides children with the necessary hardware to life, finance, rehabilitation, social assistance grants, organizing free time siblings. The activities of Hospice is supported by numerous volunteers.
organizers of the exhibition:
Wojciech Gajewski, photographer and author of the whole picture story, was born in 1987 and is currently a final year student of journalism at the University of Wroclaw. Most interested in social reportage, and it takes up most often. Documents the true and unknown to most world experiences, emotions and lives of people with whom he meets.
Wroclaw Hospice for Children is a home hospice. It is very important that your child terminally or chronically ill could spend time with family, among his toys. Employees of a hospice for children are available to patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hospice team consists of eight nurses and three doctors. Doctors and nurses go to the wards every day, we average about 300 visits per month and from 20 thousand. km.
Photostory "Uli World" by Wojciech Gajewski, will be on display from 16 to 30 April in the market in Wroclaw. The exhibition is a non-profit. Organizers of photography and the Foundation for Hospice for Children Wroclaw hope that the exhibition be interested in Wroclaw and in Lower Silesia to know the real dimension of home hospice for children and show real world of the child and his family in the face of illness and disability of the child.
Photostory by Uli was established in March 2011, covering happily with her seventh birthday, but soon after birth received the 3% chance of survival. The hive is not saying it is not, fed by gastrostomy and requires care around the clock. Professionally working Mom and Dad Uli resigned from full-time, to fully take care of her daughter. The girl is communicating with the outside world through laughter and tears, as well as the more important sense - touch. Ula regularly undergoes rehabilitation, during which sensory stimulation is carried out, the program Knillów activity, playing with the body, triggering spontaneous activity, or to stimulate swallowing. Gradually the rehabilitation brings noticeable results. Uli is also a great opportunity for the fun and laughter. Uli house is filled with love and joy, is there a place and time as the passion of each member of the family. Contrary to the disease Uli her brothers, both older and younger, normally treat it - sometimes with rough brotherly love. And that's the joy of life, which can be seen in the family Uli, was the main theme, which the author wanted to show photographs. Illustrate that, despite the illness of a child's parents and the rest of the family may continue enjoy life and give the patient a feeling of your child every day.
photo reportages on the most sick children present drama and sadness, which takes place in the coming environment - parents and siblings. These are also the expectations of most viewers to the slogan "a photo essay ward Hospice for Children." However, this material and this exhibit are to show steadfastness against the disease and the child's disability and the fact that the family may also pursue their dreams and live happily every day - Respectively wkomponowując rehabilitation and full custody of the child in the schedule. Family Uli is an example of incredible zest for life and joy, despite the girl.
Ula is podopieczną Foundation Wroclaw Hospice for Children, which operates since 2007. The Foundation's aim is to attract funds for Hospice activities. Thanks to the influence of one percent of the donations and the Foundation provides children with the necessary hardware to life, finance, rehabilitation, social assistance grants, organizing free time siblings. The activities of Hospice is supported by numerous volunteers.
organizers of the exhibition:
Wojciech Gajewski, photographer and author of the whole picture story, was born in 1987 and is currently a final year student of journalism at the University of Wroclaw. Most interested in social reportage, and it takes up most often. Documents the true and unknown to most world experiences, emotions and lives of people with whom he meets.
Wroclaw Hospice for Children is a home hospice. It is very important that your child terminally or chronically ill could spend time with family, among his toys. Employees of a hospice for children are available to patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hospice team consists of eight nurses and three doctors. Doctors and nurses go to the wards every day, we average about 300 visits per month and from 20 thousand. km.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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Welcome realu_ meetings about new media, Social Media Day
looks like the work in the field of new media? What is its atmosphere? What are there needs? For these and similar questions looking for answers participants of the first edition of Wroclaw's events - Welcome to realu_ meeting of the new media
next, 20th Editing Welcome to the real world, first took place in Wroclaw. Idea: we meet in the casual atmosphere, leave the ties and suits in the closet. It is a rule. It is to be virtually 100%, because the speakers are people on a daily basis related to the sector of new media - interactive agency staff, advertising, IT companies, managers, designers, talking about their work, used technologies and present their own designs, or inspirations. Meetings are open, without closing the rigid (structurally and mentally;) Institutional framework. Below
photoreport, and the next edition of the series in Wroclaw at the turn of May and June.
So I hope to meet again - in the real world!
Peter Pal, Pride & Glory Interactive
looks like the work in the field of new media? What is its atmosphere? What are there needs? For these and similar questions looking for answers participants of the first edition of Wroclaw's events - Welcome to realu_ meeting of the new media
next, 20th Editing Welcome to the real world, first took place in Wroclaw. Idea: we meet in the casual atmosphere, leave the ties and suits in the closet. It is a rule. It is to be virtually 100%, because the speakers are people on a daily basis related to the sector of new media - interactive agency staff, advertising, IT companies, managers, designers, talking about their work, used technologies and present their own designs, or inspirations. Meetings are open, without closing the rigid (structurally and mentally;) Institutional framework. Below
photoreport, and the next edition of the series in Wroclaw at the turn of May and June.
So I hope to meet again - in the real world!
Peter Pal, Pride & Glory Interactive
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Was here also occurred the diamonds? In the first comprehensive publication on the Lower Silesia śDie Schlesiens Mineralien mit Berücksichtigung der angrenzeden Landers published in Wroclaw (Breslau, 1863) and which is written by H. Fiedler appears śdiamentś password. The main men's garments were decorated with medals awarded for outstanding achievements Ring with beads or as presents. Statute of the organization and jewelry, very closely describes its aims and objectives, the most important is to build confidence in the jewelry industry and care organization with a healthy global market for jewelry. A man adorned their bodies since time immemorial. Woman in the magnificent robes and jewels were a reflection of his glory. Also encouraged by the gentlemen Jeweler Zielona Gora Napoleon decorates her dress. The other died a sudden death, and in many cases premature. Here's what he wrote about the mysterious ring itself Andre de Belizal: "The properties of this ring are extraordinary. Always present in Jeweler Glodkowski the form of small crystals reaching a maximum size of several millimeters. Occurrence [edit] In various igneous rocks, The most important are: andesite, liparyt, Exclusive Jewelry trachyte, obsidian, which is formed at high temperatures, less of the opal, the lunar rock, in meteorites. Places of Germany (Eifel), France (Massif Central), India, USA (Yellowstone and California), Mexico, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy. Quartz Tigers Eye t yellow, golden, ocher, opaque variety of quartz. It was a mixed forest, pine-oak probably the dominant pine Pinus żywicodajną succinifera (probably). Art Jewelry This unusual crystal can wake up our psychic abilities. Assists in the work of our mind, the easier it is for us to concentrate and learn. Activates the energy in the feet and connects us with the energies of the Earth. What lesson is to forward to: learn to like Jewellery Watches love and care for themselves alone the same. His energy is deposited heavily in fact, helps to overcome fear, he learns how to travel to him reasonably and practically how to deal with problems. KarneolJest affiliated with the energies of the second chakra. Adopted criteria for appraisal and evaluation are not much different from that presented almost silver jewelry 10 centuries póśniej by Tavernier. - Swarovski jewelry
Was here also occurred the diamonds? In the first comprehensive publication on the Lower Silesia śDie Schlesiens Mineralien mit Berücksichtigung der angrenzeden Landers published in Wroclaw (Breslau, 1863) and which is written by H. Fiedler appears śdiamentś password. The main men's garments were decorated with medals awarded for outstanding achievements Ring with beads or as presents. Statute of the organization and jewelry, very closely describes its aims and objectives, the most important is to build confidence in the jewelry industry and care organization with a healthy global market for jewelry. A man adorned their bodies since time immemorial. Woman in the magnificent robes and jewels were a reflection of his glory. Also encouraged by the gentlemen Jeweler Zielona Gora Napoleon decorates her dress. The other died a sudden death, and in many cases premature. Here's what he wrote about the mysterious ring itself Andre de Belizal: "The properties of this ring are extraordinary. Always present in Jeweler Glodkowski the form of small crystals reaching a maximum size of several millimeters. Occurrence [edit] In various igneous rocks, The most important are: andesite, liparyt, Exclusive Jewelry trachyte, obsidian, which is formed at high temperatures, less of the opal, the lunar rock, in meteorites. Places of Germany (Eifel), France (Massif Central), India, USA (Yellowstone and California), Mexico, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy. Quartz Tigers Eye t yellow, golden, ocher, opaque variety of quartz. It was a mixed forest, pine-oak probably the dominant pine Pinus żywicodajną succinifera (probably). Art Jewelry This unusual crystal can wake up our psychic abilities. Assists in the work of our mind, the easier it is for us to concentrate and learn. Activates the energy in the feet and connects us with the energies of the Earth. What lesson is to forward to: learn to like Jewellery Watches love and care for themselves alone the same. His energy is deposited heavily in fact, helps to overcome fear, he learns how to travel to him reasonably and practically how to deal with problems. KarneolJest affiliated with the energies of the second chakra. Adopted criteria for appraisal and evaluation are not much different from that presented almost silver jewelry 10 centuries póśniej by Tavernier. - Swarovski jewelry
Friday, April 8, 2011
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Do on Facebook have a chance to survive only a great brand? Where is the place for non-profit organizations? These questions April 7 participants attempted to answer the next edition of Social Media Day - this time dedicated to NGOs in Social Media. Here's the official photographic account and you can read the descriptive relationship at: and
A full coverage of the event photographic invited this time:
FP Wojciech Gajewski Photography
James Górnicki, Sourcefabric
Marta Marchuk-Komiszke Foundation After All
Zdankiewicz Tadeusz, Wroclaw Medical University
Joanna Gajewska,
George Kus (L) and Mirek Połyniak (P)
Do on Facebook have a chance to survive only a great brand? Where is the place for non-profit organizations? These questions April 7 participants attempted to answer the next edition of Social Media Day - this time dedicated to NGOs in Social Media. Here's the official photographic account and you can read the descriptive relationship at: and
A full coverage of the event photographic invited this time:
FP Wojciech Gajewski Photography
James Górnicki, Sourcefabric
Zdankiewicz Tadeusz, Wroclaw Medical University
Joanna Gajewska,
George Kus (L) and Mirek Połyniak (P)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
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At the second stage Wajra Kszatrija became god of the knights, responsible for the strength and prowess of man, his headquarters were brązowawożółte diamonds, similar to rabbit eyes. This particular jewelry reflects the dreams and longings of people who wore it, she was also a source of pride and symbolic evidence of patriotism. In 1926 he founded the international organization CIBJO jeweler, whose headquarters are in Milan. Amethyst opens even the most hardened hearts, awakens love and compassion, brings spiritual harmony. . -
At the second stage Wajra Kszatrija became god of the knights, responsible for the strength and prowess of man, his headquarters were brązowawożółte diamonds, similar to rabbit eyes. This particular jewelry reflects the dreams and longings of people who wore it, she was also a source of pride and symbolic evidence of patriotism. In 1926 he founded the international organization CIBJO jeweler, whose headquarters are in Milan. Amethyst opens even the most hardened hearts, awakens love and compassion, brings spiritual harmony. . -
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