end of the year is a time for summing up in every industry. Starting from well-known magazines as The New York Times and Time, which publish the best pictures of last year, and a calendar of major events of 2010, as telling it photographically. In our backyard and many companies and individuals associated with marketing, PR and social media presented your point of view on this year's changes, trends and the resulting conclusions for the future. I too am tempted to subjective summary of the year in one of the areas that I can handle and which I follow regularly on an ongoing basis, a broader conference photography with emphasis on the sectors closest to me, that is, Internet, PR, marketing and social media.
Polish market of industry conferences every year expanding and courage to implement more and more conferences on marketing, social media and the Internet, often making them ideal platform to exchange experiences of experts and enthusiasts in these fields. Coupled with the popularity of organizing the conference goes well the diversity and quality of housing and forms a relationship. Slowly, though reluctantly enters already streming video (even when it functioned perfectly Blog Forum Gdańsk), as well as text and photo reports on Live (which can be exemplified Social Media Day ) implemented through a dedicated account on Twitter and Facebook Fanpage.
Fot.Wojciech Gajewski
worth to pay attention to the relationship almost photographic performed live. This requires both a very good quality images as raw here because I lack the time to treatment, as well as professional equipment to accomplish this at a good level. Delving into technical matters, is not necessary, but certainly a useful innovation in this field may be a new memory card Eye-Fi the function of wireless transfer images to a computer, which can be much cheaper alternative to the Grip of the wireless function.
Another interesting solution that could reconcile the desire of the organizers to present relationships, both professional and amateur is an example of the conference from overseas - International CRIA Wireless . Over the years, presented were in separate professional relationships, photo galleries, as well as those from mobile phones, and there was just a direct link with the theme of the conference or mobile technologies.
Without a doubt, a perfect balance between photographs made sure this year PR Forum, in addition to its comprehensive website professionally photographically and descriptively, as well as Webstarfestival . These are examples of a conference in which the approach to the photographic quality of relationships, not just documentary "Jack of our company, which likes to take pictures" may be an example for the entire industry. Especially in value look after relations with banquets conferences and awards ceremony, where the interesting play of light and allow staff to present a very impressive speakers.
Particularly in this statement should be emphasized professionalism Webstarfestival. Why not be the determinant of a comprehensive and consistent communication, without handing out awards, but in the film and photographic materials, high quality, consistent with each edition.
Particularly in this statement should be emphasized professionalism Webstarfestival. Why not be the determinant of a comprehensive and consistent communication, without handing out awards, but in the film and photographic materials, high quality, consistent with each edition.
In the area of \u200b\u200brelationships, both photographic and communication in social media flap is certainly Conference Marketing Trends. Although web development and take-off from promotion by means of a dedicated fanpage contests, then posted as the first and only "relationship" photographic images made mobile phone, where only the signatures to find out who is shown on them (available on here official fanpage). To find out where the withholding shows that treatment of customers and observers of the conference, I learned, unfortunately, only that as a photographer, I should not speak on the topic images (sic), and additionally they have not done so flattering to me - so who had? I learned how not officially so was the idea of \u200b\u200bpublication, but easy to guess that it was just about tagging on them speakers. Used here with the principle "no matter how we see and what the quality of present, but it's important that we see." Surprising, particularly looking at the quality of invited speakers about the conference and talking about cutting-edge marketing trends. So I wish the organizers to take advantage of the lectures presented there.
; ; ; Fig. Wojciech Gajewski
worth citing the recent words of Jack Gadzinowskiego the use of social media:
"Without a strategy, without pomyślunku - to cheers. And then just weeping and gnashing of teeth remains. Instead, from A to Z rethink communication that is holistic, just different tools. (...) The positive projects, campaigns - such cases should build this market. So that for the year to say an opportunity was used to build a normal market of social media. "The whole article at: gadzinowski.pl
the new year and I wish the organizers of the conference in 2011, primarily a professional approach to organization and implementation relationships with the conference, not forgetting all about quality - both when you perform streaming, video diaries and photographs - and the best all complement respectively. Especially since it is on these conferences are presented new technologies and capabilities and discussed their increasingly better use, so try that as their quality was not worse, than the service which they then offer their customers. And that's all I wish!